Root Canal Terminology
Explore our dental dictionary to learn about common root canals terms. If you have any other questions or would like to schedule an appointment, we would love to hear from you!
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Purpose and Procedure
- Abscess: A pocket of pus that forms at the end of the tooth root due to infection.
- Endodontics: The branch of dentistry specializing in root canal treatment.
- Endodontist: A dentist who specializes in root canal treatment.
- Pulp: The soft tissue inside the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels.
- Pulpectomy: Complete removal of the infected or damaged pulp tissue.
- Root Canal Therapy: A procedure to remove infected or damaged pulp from inside a tooth.
Tools and Materials
- Dental Dam: A thin sheet of rubber used to isolate the tooth being treated.
- Files: Small instruments used to clean and shape the root canals.
- Gutta-percha: A rubber-like material used to fill the root canals.
- Irrigation: Flushing the root canals with disinfectant solutions.
- Paper Points: Absorbent paper tips used to dry the root canals.
Related Terms
- Apicoectomy: A surgical procedure to remove the tip of the tooth root.
- Crown: A dental restoration that covers the entire tooth, often placed after a root canal.
- Necrosis: Death of the pulp tissue.
- Periapical X-ray: An X-ray that shows the entire tooth, from crown to root.
- Post and Core: A support structure placed in the root canal to provide stability for a crown.
- Tooth Sensitivity: Increased sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet stimuli, which can occur after a root canal.